top MES

Production Data Collection (PDC) with top MES

Seamlessly integrated into SAP ERP or SAP S/4HANA

The PDC system is SAP-compatible and can be easily integrated

Operational data Collection is a central component of every Manufacturing Execution Systems because the actual situation on the shop floor is recorded and made transparent. A correct recording of operating data is – in addition to the Machine Data Collection – the starting point for continuous improvement with the aim of increasing the economic efficiency of production.

Many of the operating data are automatically generated and recorded by the PDC system. However, some data is also created manually by employees entering it on the shop floor. Therefore, the user interface of PC stations, terminals or mobile devices is very important: If operational data Collection is to be a success, the user interface must be adaptable to the specific situation and intuitive to use. And, of course, the PDC system should be able to be integrated into an existing SAP landscape.

Operational data collection from top MES fits as a PDC system to existing SAP solutions

As part of top MES, operational data acquisition is seamlessly integrated into SAP ERP or SAP S/4HANA. That means: The established SAP objects and functions are used, data from the SAP system is accessed directly, and operating data is stored directly in the SAP system. With our PDC system, you can easily continue to use existing SAP solutions in your company.

top MES provides you with a system for production data collection that maps the entire production process and with which the order, personnel, machine and process data are collected for each individual step – in any granularity. An important aspect of this: Your production staff can enter the operating data via intuitive PDC dialogues, which also run on touch screens.

On the basis of the data of the ongoing operation recorded by the PDC system, the current situation on the shop floor is always comprehensible for you, the progress of production orders can be controlled. In addition, the operating data can be condensed into key performance indicators and is available for evaluation. Also, the well-known Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) can be displayed with top MES. For companies, it is an immense advantage that with top MES Business Intelligence can be integrated directly in the MES system.

The functions of the operational data collection of top MES at a glance

  • Recording of all operating data so that the current situation on the shop floor is always transparent – this also applies to the production progress
  • Accounting of the operating resources and consumed components used in production, as well as the quantities produced in the ERP system
  • Provision of all documents on the shop floor that are relevant for production
  • Visualisation of the respective quality requirements for the products on the shop floor and testing of the produced quantities
  • Reporting of malfunctions in the shop floor so that they can be quickly fixed and made available for analysis
  • Calculation and visualisation of various key performance indicators based on the collected data
  • Calculation of production costs and services based on the collected data
  • Intuitive dialogues for the employees on the shop floor on the user interfaces – also as a pure touchscreen operation
  • Integration of all functions and data from the relevant areas of SAP ERP or SAP S/4HANA
  • Posting of all results online in the form of SAP documents

Further topics:

top MES

Machine Data Collection (MDC)

MDC system from top flow can be easily integrated into an existing SAP basis
top MES

Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)

OEE calculation can be integrated into an existing SAP environment

Dashboarding und Reporting (MES BI)

Individual dashboarding and reporting in the manufacturing execution system