top xRM

Collaboration in business: perfect collaboration with top xRM

top xRM: the collaboration platform for the SAP environment

In the course of digitisation, the way of cooperation has also changed significantly. For example, teams are increasingly composed of participants who work in very different places. The headquarters may then be in Berlin. However, development staff are based in Seattle and designers in Melbourne. In addition, external partners from Reykjavik and Tel Aviv have to be involved. And the Berlin employees are not always in the office, but from time to time are working from home. The buzzword of the hour is collaboration!

However, the collaboration will only succeed if all participants are always up to date: You need to be able to access all documents regardless of location, know the progress of the current workflow and be able to communicate easily – in real time or asynchronously. Collaboration means that employees are no longer just passive recipients of information, but active assets. Regardless of whether they are internal or external, which department they belong to or at which location they are working. All this is only possible with a good collaboration platform.

Collaboration: What are the advantages of software-based collaboration?

Comprehensively digitised collaboration brings many advantages. Employees can use globally distributed knowledge because documents become accessible regardless of location thanks to collaboration tools. Flexibility increases, workflows become more efficient, productivity is increased and the coordination of those involved is optimised. The communication is also optimised by the new type of collaboration, because the number of mails is significantly reduced and thus relieves all parties involved.

Which pleases not only employees, but also customers: Improved collaboration reduces the time that has to be put into a project. On the one hand, this reduces the total costs, on the other hand, collaboration strengthens the relationship with the customer. And, last but not least, the innovation potential of a company benefits from freed-up capacities.

All these advantages benefit both the customer and their own company. If the collaboration succeeds, it is a win-win situation.

The path to perfect cooperation: What to look for when choosing a collaboration tool

Collaboration tools have to fulfil a whole lot of functions to enable teamwork and successful collaboration. This includes, for example, a Professional Emailing solution or an interdepartmental Document Management approach. Furthermore, they must seamlessly link different hardware components, for example, mobile devices with classic computers.

Successful cooperation is only possible if all participants have the same access to existing knowledge and can revise corresponding information. This is the core of every collaboration, no matter in which industry. And the lower the complexity of a collaboration tool, the more efficient the collaboration becomes.

Collaboration with SAP: Can I keep my existing SAP landscape with top xRM?

In many companies, the technological core is based on SAP. Accordingly, IT then has considerable interest in ensuring that a new collaboration tool or platform fits the existing SAP-based IT set-up for good team collaboration.

For this purpose, the SAP add-on top xRM is the perfect collaboration software. It is integrated into the existing SAP environment without interfaces; other SAP solutions and even MS Teams can be used without problems. Employees and external partners are optimally supported at work. This is ensured by way of reliable document management, the differentiated Workflow Management as well as the integration of email communication.

Another important point that facilitates collaboration across borders: top xRM can be used via a browser-based interface that was implemented with SAPUI5. As part of the collaboration, employees thus find an environment that resembles the look and feel of office applications.

Further topics:

top xRM

Workflow management

top xRM

Document management

MS Teams in top xRM

Record types